Thursday, August 02, 2012

Kindle Publishing History

History of publishing in Kindle
I have now published all six of my novels on Kindle with the help of my youngest son James.   They can be purchased in UK for 77 pence each (raised to 99p in January 2015).[A friend in USA  bought two for a Dollar each way back].
Kindle insist on charging a minimum of 99p for anyone to download a Kindle novel  to an electronic reader screen. While Kindle/Amazon are promoting my novels, they make it a condition that I do not operate any other digital/electronic means of sending the text of my Kindle novels to the public on the internet. I have therefore deleted the text of my novels on my Pianist Storyteller Blog sites. 

The history behind this change starts in May 2011. Just after a public  piano recital in Valence House Museum,Barking, I was diagnosed with macular degeneration in both eyes. This meant a sudden end to teaching piano, reading advanced music/small typescript and driving.
I was introduced to the Kindle electronic reader by son James and his partner Elsa. It proved a God-send. I now have a library of 50-60 books on it, including two different versions of the whole Bible.I can also, if need be, listen to the text on the page being automatically read aloud. For electronic speech, I was surprised that it seemed so life-like..I can adjust the type size, which is a great help in coping with the fading ability of my eyes.
John G Acton OBE, LRAM  19th October 2012.(updated February 2013 and March 2015).



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